Sponsor The Sparkle

At LinkLiving we believe everyone should have the opportunity to shine.

And so, we are inviting businesses and individuals to sponsor a star this Christmas.

Your sponsorship will help us support people to recover from the negative impacts of trauma and disadvantage, and your star will shine ever so brightly upon West Bridge Mill in Kirkcaldy for everyone to see from early December until early January.

We are a health and wellbeing charity that provides specialist person-centred support to help people of all ages who have experienced really difficult times.

LinkLiving exists to help people manage or overcome the effects of these experiences so that they can build on their strengths and aspirations in order to live their best possible lives in their homes and communities.

Our work includes: 

Our work in Edinburgh

Business Sponsorship

So, are you ready to Sponsor The Sparkle? Here's what our sponsors will receive:

  • Sponsor The Sparkle charity campaign branding to include on emails, website, social media, in your reception or shop window, or annual report!
  • Your company name and branding and star location on a large board outside West Bridge Mill
  • A mention on LinkLiving and Link Group social media and on the website
  • Mentions on the LinkLiving/Link Group intranet to raise awareness with staff
  • Opportunity for PR in Fife media and within charity and trade sector media
  • The benefits of promoting your organisation to Link Group, one of Scotland’s largest providers of social and affordable housing

Our stars and prices


Sponsor The Sparkle