If you are unhappy about how your complaint was investigated or what the outcome was you can appeal. Another manager will investigate your grounds for appeal and determine whether the complaint was dealt with fairly and reasonably.
All LinkLiving services keep a log of complaints and this information is made available to the Care Inspectorate, Local Authorities and LinkLiving’s Board of Directors. If you do not feel able to complain directly to LinkLiving you can complain directly to the Care Inspectorate.
You can:
- fill in an online form on itswebsite
- write to Stuart House, Eskmills, Musselburgh, EH21 7PB
- Telephone: 0131 653 4100
The Care Inspectorate regulates our services and ensures that we are meeting the National Care Standards.
You do not have to give your name if you are making a complaint but this may make it more difficult to investigate the complaint fully.
The Care Inspectorate investigates all complaints they receive and this may involve talking to you, talking to LinkLiving managers and staff and talking to others who know you.
If the Care Inspectorate upholds a complaint the service which supports you will have to make changes to how the service is provided.