
Sylvia was introduced to our social cafe by her friend Nan who thought attending the cafe might help Sylvia make some new friends and beat loneliness.

Sylvia loved the cafe straight away; she got involved with organised activities and was always keen to help out in the kitchen and serve cups of tea and coffee. After a few weeks of helping out Sylvia began demonstrating her talents and sharing her ideas. She joined the cafe’s Knitting Group and took the lead in knitting blankets for a local charity and baby clothes for premature babies in the hospital.

A year into helping out at the cafe Sylvia decided she wanted to become a formal volunteer and a befriender; using her own experience to help others overcome isolation and loneliness.

It didn’t take long for Sylvia to be matched with Fay. Before Sylvia's befriending Fay didn't leave the house, her friend and carer had died and due to mobility issues she couldn't handle going out on her own, but she is now back doing what she enjoys. The two now meet on a weekly basis for a catch up and a cup of tea.

I feel like I have part of my life back again, I've gained a good friend in Sylvia.

Older Persons' service user Fay

Sylvia likes to be involved in all volunteering aspects of the Older Persons' service. She recently offered to help set up and assist in the running of a knitting club, teaching children who visit the cafe how to knit - a lady of many talents and a valued volunteer.