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LinkLiving Edinburgh Young Persons’ Service – changes to VHS referrals

We’re changing the way referrals are made for our Edinburgh Young Persons’ Service Visiting Housing Support (VHS) service.
There is now a one-way referral for all VHS services in Edinburgh, including our partners - Your Home, Four Square, Streetwork and LinkLiving EYPS.
Our Edinburgh VHS service helps people aged 16-25 who are homeless or threatened with homelessness overcome the challenges and barriers they may face whilst helping them to achieve their own individual goals and shape their lives for a more positive future.
If you require VHS, young people in Edinburgh can self-refer – or be referred by another professional or organisation – by completing our digital form or downloading the Word form. These can both be found on our website here.
We also have a new phoneline set up to help answer any VHS-related queries so please call 0131 603 0400 with any questions.